Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Dyson sucks - Vacuuming Futureshop for free and fun

My regular readers know how much I love Dyson vacuum as I’ve blogged about it many times and in particular - “Two things I love but don’t own - Dyson and Lexus” in 2007 and then recently in “Mr. James Dyson, Tear Down This Wall!“. In fact, I love it since April 2000 when I read about Dyson in The International Design Magazine.

Few days ago, I finally got my chance to play with a real Dyson vacuum cleaner for over 30 minutes in Futureshop (OK, that was a really quiet morning after all the “Sales” the days before!) while chatting with a nice Futureshop salesperson. During that time, I practically vacuumed Futureshop’s dirt-filled home appliance area for free! (smile)

Now, I have some real experience of using a Dyson (in a heavy traffic area) to share,

  1. The Dyson sucked (sort of)! The demo carpert (the one with a big Dyson logo) was pretty dirty. After the first pass, it looked a lot cleaner and there wasn’t that much dirt left. But as I vacuum that demo carpet more, it did become cleaner and cleaner. So I guess the first pass didn’t pick up *all* the dirt (say only 85%). I guess I expected magic and magic I did not get.
  2. Stones and tiny particles. Now, the Dyson made this really annoying noise when it sucked up the tiny stones or tiny hard particles on the floor. And because the stuff/dirt inside the Dyson internal chamber was spinning at such a high speed, the noise was noticeable and a bit annoying to me. Room for some noise cancellation?
  3. Burning smell. I don’t know what from the floor got into the Dyson but I smelled something burning (rubber?) a few times during the vacuuming process. Again, I don’t know did something got suck up inside the Dyson and then the high speed spinning created the burning smell. Thinking about it, I wander if Futureshop had installed the HEPA filter correctly? The burning smell was not pleasant at all!

So I now have some real experiences with a Dyson and I can no longer think it is perfect. (nothing is “perfect”.) But I still think it is the best vacuum around even it has the flaws (and may be more) that I listed above.

Of course, the vacuum is great but the price is still in the moon, so I repeat my request to Sir James himself or his Canadian sales team, “Mr. James Dyson, Tear Down This Wall!” Please offer more reasonable prices or wider product range that covers more price points. I truly want you to do well in Canada. I hate to see you suck in Canada. And this is not a good “suck”!

Finally, most people on Flickr love their Dysons as you can see in the above photos and here,

and a not so happy customer shookiemookie with her f-starting-4-letter-word one.

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