Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Tales of two Vancouverites impacted by Writers Guild of America strike

I recently interviewed two Vancouverites Dave Jacox (photo on the left) and Shane Meier (photo on the right) that were impacted by Writers Guild of America strike.

Dave Jacox started working in the film industry in 1982 after high school and then Dave started working as a stunt man and coordinator and had been doing stunt work since 1984 for over 23 years. Dave’s stunt coordinating features include TV series like Eureka and films like Get Carter.

With the ongoing strike, Dave and his business partner and fellow stunt man (also a Dave) are working away at their online t-shirt company www.davewear.com to help pay some bills. It is a neat concept and cool looking t-shirts, make sure you check the site out.

Here is an insightful chat with Dave (mp3) (or download/streaming) about his background and how the Writers Guild of America strike has impacted him personally.

Shane Meier is only a little over 30 years old but Shane started his career 20 yrs ago with leading roles opposite Clint Eastwood, Ed Harris, and Chuck Norris. Shane has a recurring role in CBC’s critically acclaimed series Intelligence.

Because of the strike, Shane now has to work behind a counter in a clothing store.

Here is an insightful chat with Shane (mp3) (or download/streaming) about his background and how the Writers Guild of America strike has impacted him personally.

After you listen to my chats with Dave and Shane, I hope you will get a sense of how the strike has impacted people working in TV and film industry in Vancouver. If you are in the position of hiring talented people, I am sure Dave Jacox and Shane Meier (or their agents) will be interested to talk.

I wish Dave, Shane and all other affected people in the TV and film industry the best of luck. I hope the strike will come to a conclusion with terms agreeable to all sides soon. And talented and creative people can get back to create great stuff for us to watch.

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