Saturday, January 19, 2008

Global News on Copyright Law

I had the pleasure to be interviewed on Global News to talk about Copyright Law the other day. On the eve of the introduction of a new amended copyright act in Canada, it is important for Canadians to be aware of more of the issues related to copyright. Here is a YouTube clip of the Global News report.

P.S. Incidentally, I asked the really nice reporter Heather (who helped me stay focus and forget about being nervous) to see if Global has plans to put up their news reports permanently on the internet. Her answer is unfortunately there is no plan at the moment.

I mentioned to her (and also to CBC previously) that the most expensive part of news reporting is for her and the cameraman to do the reporting, and then the editing and producing of the news piece to air. Hosting the video footage on the internet and the web delivery of it is cheap. If lack of money is an issue, just upload the clips onto YouTube. Interestingly, this has been my standing free advice to broadcasters in the country. But no one is taking it so far. (smile)

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