Wednesday, January 16, 2008

CBC News: The National - Where are the videos?

As a news junkie, I try to watch CBC News: The National every night and then CTV National News with Lloyd Robertson if I have time to get a broader perspective. But deep in my heart, I am a CBC guy. (smile)

So here is my main beef with CBC News: The National - the powers to be should put all the individual segments as linkable chunks with video for people or bloggers to link to!

The most expensive part of the program/content creation is in the news reporting and the news production, etc, once those are done, every single minute of The National should be posted as linkable chunks with video up on the internet.

For example, this piece has video

Dion calls for firing of minister in spat with nuclear watchdog

where as this one doesn’t have the video that was used in The National tonight,

PM stands behind minister in isotope case

I see no good justification to not include videos in all news items that videos have already been created. Disk storage space and bandwidth are CHEAP! If these video clips are so useless/worthless and have no value to CBC, well, then upload them onto YouTube so these orphaned clips can find good homes to be used and loved.

CBC, are you listening?

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