Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Mike Dillon, General Counsel of Sun Microsystems, at Kempton’s Virtual Cafe

Mike Dillon

I’ve been a regular reader of Mike Dillon’s blog “The Legal Thing” since it was launched on Aug 9, 2006. Mike, a lawyer with over 20 years experiences and Sun MicrosystemsGeneral Counsel, has been very generous in sharing his insights and wisdom. It was my great pleasure to chat with Mike about ideas he talked about in his blog and follow up with him on a few topics raised.

You can listen to my audio chat with Mike in mp3 format (or you can download or stream the interview here). The following are the time codes with topics, including links to the related blog entries.

00:00 - 04:54 : Welcome Mike to Kempton’s Virtual Cafe and talking about Reebok Rules and Mike’s experience of being an in-house lawyer. Mike talks about writing his own updated set of rules to include new requirements from acts like SOX.

  1. This should be interesting - Mike’s first blog entry. Joining 3,000 of fellow employees at Sun and their CEO to blog. Mike also explained how he got the name of his blog from the “Reebok Rules” (PDF file).
  2. Thanks, ACC - This is where Mike first linked to the wonderful “Reebok Rules” for in-house counsel. Now, I think we all have something to learn from these rules even you may not be a lawyer. You may be pleasantly surprised. Reebok Rule #15 is — Do “The Legal Thing” (see page 8 of the PDF file).

04:54 - 07:25 : Not having an office and its impact. And the tools Mike uses (including SunRay and his Treo 680).

  1. Where do you work? - A few more benefits are discussed here.

07:25 - 10:54 : The work to simplify contracts at Sun.

  1. Mr. Edison’s Lawyer - Check out the cool Sun Grid as well.
  2. Contracts with Clarity - Check out the difference between the old contract and the new and simplified one.

10:54 - 17:51 : On patents and patent trolls. And taking internal intellectual property and open sourcing it.

  1. The “Tax” On Innovation
  2. On Litigation … (AZUL)
  3. The NetApp Litigation
  4. The NetApp Litigation (Continued)

17:51 - 20:24: About Regulation Fair Disclosure and the ground breaking blog and comment exchange between Chairman Cox and Sun CEO Jonathan.

  1. Reg FD - Setting some cool example.
  2. Sunlight on a Cloudy Day - Cool, a blog comment from SEC Chairman Cox.
  3. Free Virtualization, and Sun’s Q2 Results - Check out the bonus at the end of the “Safe Harbor Statement”. (smile)

20:24 - 24:52 : Building and evaluating leaders. Giving and sharing.

  1. Building Leaders
  2. Planting seeds during the holidays - Mike talks about teaching his children the idea of giving and sharing.
  3. Kiva Update - an update on the “Planting seeds” entry

24:52 - 26:44 : Sun’s Project Blackbox (modular data center). About the Google patent on similar idea.

  1. During the next “big one” - has a really cool YouTube video about Sun’s Blackbox (modular data center)

26:44 - 28:51 : About Sun’s diversified workforce and “Day in the Life” videos of employees around the world. I asked Mike to see if Sun will consider posting and sharing these videos which I think are very informative presentation.

  1. Working to be unnoticed

28:51 - 33:13 : The issues and benefits of allowing comments in blogs. Other companies’ request of Sun’s help with respect to blogging policies, work environment, and flexible working arrangement.

  1. A Nice Decision for Bloggers - good to know it is safe to have comments (at least in California (smile))
  2. FYI: Here is my entry and unsuccessful effort to help CBC. “CBC Blogging guidelines

33:13 - 34:47 : Creating online contents under licenses like Creative Commons.

  1. Have a question about licenses - ask your teenager

34:47 - 36:03 : Sun’s involvement in the Peer to Patent project

  1. A Different “P2P”

36:03 - End : Mike’s experiences in blogging so far and how will he blogs in the future.

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