Friday, February 29, 2008

Links: 2008-02-29 Conservatives bribe, End Software Patents, Avi on Al-Jazeera, Waterproof camcorder ad

  1. Conservatives made million-dollar offer to MP Cadman - it is a criminal offense if a bribe was indeed offered.
  2. Cadman 'bribe' furor grips Tories
  3. Cadman's daughter backs up mom's bribe story - Conservatives have lots of explaining to do as this I just can't see any reason why the honourable Cadman family would tell lies like these
  4. "End Software Patents" Launches With Website and Report
  5. Joff Wild Responds to "End Software Patents"
  6. Former CBC-TV host Avi Lewis begins hosting U.S. show on Al-Jazeera network (with YouTube of show)
  7. Sanyo Waterproof Video Camera

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