Friday, February 15, 2008

Links: 2008-02-15 Leaving Yahoo, Creative Commons, Reverse syndication, Murdoch vs Zell, Panasonic AG-MHC150, Law firm wikis, laptop suit

  1. On Leaving Yahoo ... by former VP of ADD (Advanced Development Division of Yahoo)
  2. Australia may give go-ahead for Creative Commons on public data
  3. Reverse syndication - with newspapers losing money and laying off people, may be it is unavoidable that we will read the same story by the same reporter even if we thought we are reading multiple newspapers for wider perspectives on things
  4. Mogul Showdown: Murdoch vs. Zell - I was going to write a critical piece about Murdoch, WSJ, and Fox Business News after reading Fortune's "Inside Fox Business News" but I've now changed my mind. I think it is wiser for me to wait and spend more time watching what Murdoch does with WSJ before I make any semi-intelligent observations. And here is a good linking piece "Poor, Poor, Pitiful Rupert Murdoch ["rotten old bastard"]" from Slate.
  5. Panasonic AG-MHC150 pro-level HD camcorders
  6. Do Wikis belong in Law Firms?
  7. The Great American ... Laptop Suit?

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