Saturday, February 9, 2008

Jim Prentice Speaks - with Fair Copyright Q & A

Yesterday, Industry Minister Jim Prentice came to Calgary to deliver the William A. Howard Lecture as presented by the University of Calgary’s Faculty of Law and Borden Ladner Gervais LLP. (more pictures here, Note: William A. Howard founded a law firm that was the predecessor of Borden Ladner Gervais LLP.)

In the following two video clips, Minister Jim Prentice talks about creating laws and government policies dealing with Green House Gas Emission and Global warming. Minister Prentice talks about the need for consultations with a wide range of affected parties in an open process to develop policies dealing with the two challenges. At the same time, it is sad to see the government of Canada seems to be unwilling and unable to consult with Canadians to gain their latest insights and opinions.

One is left to wonder, when it is convenient and the government agrees, the Conservative government is perfectly content in reusing Liberal’s almost 8 years old and misguided report conclusions for Copyright related issues.

“Minister Jim Prentice Speaks” Clip #1

“Minister Jim Prentice Speaks” Clip #2

The following are two Fair Copyright Q&A video clips.

Minister Jim Prentice Copyright Q&A clip #1

Minister Jim Prentice Copyright Q&A clip #2 (with 3 questions)

Special Thanks

Finally, I want to send a special thanks to Rob for informing the group about this event in the first place. Thanks Rob, it was nice meeting you yesterday and thanks for your question.

And thanks to every Fair Copyright for Canada Calgary Chapter members that were able to attend the talk yesterday even the weather in Calgary was just absolutely horrible (white out driving condition).

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