Thursday, February 14, 2008

Steven Spielberg, Beijing un-Olympics, Darfur Genocide, Freedom of Press

I am a conflicted man.

I support the Beijing Olympics because I believe engagement is much better than isolation.

In the past (since that faithful day of June 4th, 1989), I held strict views on China. But I changed my position last year after I read that Pierre visited and try to understand China even after 1989 in spite of oppositions. (See updated 2007 "Two Innocents in China", also archived 1968 CBC radio program.)

I am conflicted because I support the engagement of China while I am also happy to hear that Mr. Steven Spielberg has stood firm and made an important statement that the Chinese government cannot ignore. (more news here, here, here, and here) To me, China has the economic and political influence to lead to positive changes in Sudan and help end the tragic genocide in Darfur.

It is important to remember how China has treated reporters that dare to report on things that she doesn't want to be reported. Freedom of press, not.

Having said the above, I still hope and wish for a successful Beijing Olympics. Because, in my heart, I feel that the millions of visitors that will be visiting China in 2008 will help China to become more open. And the thousands of reporters from around the world for the Olympics will create unprecedented opportunities to spotlight on the good and bad of China.

I won't go as far as "understanding leads to trust" but it is safe to say understanding is a precondition to trust and other important things in life.

I am a conflicted man. (smile)

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