Monday, February 4, 2008

Re: New CBC president discouraged by attacks on Teamakers’ blog

I am going to blog some more because I think this is very important to my beloved CBC. Here is my comment to the entry “New CBC president discouraged by attacks on Teamakers’ blog” at the official CBC blog “Inside the CBC“.

Note: Here is the official press release of the appointment of Mr. Hubert T. Lacroix as President and Chief Executive Officer of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)/ Radio-Canada.


Hi Hubert,

I am glad I waited for a few days before I comment because I take issues with the tone of your first comment but your latest comment sounds a lot better.

A few quick points before I take some time to blog more later in my own blog,

1) It is important you responded to the Teamakers’ blog entry as open and transparent dialogue is key to understanding

2) I accept your apology in writing your comment like a [legal] memo. Just please promise to not “heretofore” or “hitherto” us in your comment. (smile)

Note: My better half and a few friends are lawyers, so I tell unfunny lawyer jokes sometimes. (smile)

3) May I suggest you start your own blog and leave the comment sections open for people to comment at your blog ?

On this final and very serious point #3 of suggesting you to start blogging and allowing comments. You may appreciate the significance of the following more as you were a lawyer. I recently interviewed my blog friend, Mike Dillon, a lawyer for 23 years and currently General Counsel of Sun Microsystems (a Fortune 500 and publicly listed company). (note: I will be posting that podcast/audio interview later.)

When Mike started blogging in August 2006 at , he decided to open his comment section against advice of a colleague. Since then Mike has been really happy with his initial decision and he thinks a more open dialogue has been achieved. It will be my pleasure to try to connect you with Mike. (Incidentally, when CBC tried to establish its Blogging Policy (which reads like a legal-cover-your-behind-document) for employees some months ago, I thought CBC might learn a few things from Sun’s clean one page easy-to-read policy but that idea and my and Mike’s offer for help was sadly ignored.)

Again, I comment and blog about CBC stuff because I love CBC. Also, I have blogged and commented with my real name because I think I have pissed off enough CBC senior executives with my often idiotic comments that I know I have a better chance in winning a Lotto than working for CBC. (big smile)

In the world of Blogs and open communications, it is nice to read “I’m reading everyone’s comments with interest and will continue to do so for the next five years …” from you.

Keep reading, you may be surprised what you learn from people who work for you (in all levels).

Best Regards,

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