Friday, February 8, 2008

Happy Year of the Rat - with Cheung, Friedman & Coase videos

I want to wish everyone a happy and prosperous Year of the Rat.

Please consider the following videos of professors Steven N.S. Cheung, Milton Friedman, and Ronald Coase my Chinese New Year gifts to you. May you be prosperous in the Year of the rat.

  1. For those that can understand Mandarin or read Chinese, here are some interview videos of Prof. Steven N. S. Cheung as I discovered from his blog.
  2. For those that are more comfortable with English, I highly recommend the late Prof. Milton Friedman's "Free To Choose" series being freely streamed on the idea Channel.
  3. Here is prof. Coase's 2003 Coase Centennial Speech (500MB QuickTime file, recommend downloading it before you watch it) from Ronald Coase Institute's online material section.

In my humble opinion, professors Friedman, Coase and Cheung are great minds to learn from. And if we are to advance, improve, revise or refute the ideas they originated, it makes sense for us to learn and understand what they are trying to say. And to me, it is fun and more engaging to see them explaining their ideas in their own voices and style. Quoting prof. Coase in the above wonderful video, "It is strange for me to give a Coase Lecture. After all, every lecture I give is a "Coase Lecture". (big laughs)" The 97 years old (93 when the video was shot) is a humorous man. (smile)

Wishing you a happy and prosperous Year of the Rat.

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