Thursday, April 3, 2008

Michael Geist, technology law expert & Canadian Copyfighter, at Kempton’s Virtual Cafe

Michael Geist is one of the leading and internationally recognized legal expert in technology law and the fight for fair copyright. It was my great pleasure to attend a copyright workshop with him as the featured speaker at University of Calgary yesterday. Michael also took time to meet with some members of the Calgary Chapter of the Fair Copyright for Canada group.

After the Calgary chapter meet up, I interviewed Michael for a few minutes. The following is my first face-to-face interview in my Kempton’s Virtual Cafe series. I hope you will enjoy them and learn as much from them as I did.

Michael Geist Interview - Part 1 of 7

Michael Geist’s impression of meeting Fair Copyright for Canada Calgary chapter members.

Michael Geist Interview - Part 2 of 7

Michael gives an update on the copyright bill.

Michael Geist Interview - Part 3 of 7

Michael explains how to use “Access to information” as a tool to investigate and find out more information. (For example, is a site that keeps a record of existing ATI requests.)

Michael Geist Interview - Part 4 of 7

With blog entries like “30 copyright things you can do” and “The Copyright MPs”, I ask Michael if he has always been politically active?

Michael Geist Interview - Part 5 of 7

How did Michael first get interested in internet law? And his view on the growing interest of the academics and general public in technology law.

Michael Geist Interview - Part 6 of 7

Michael talks about how internet is getting the voices of many people heard and reshaping our political processes, etc.

Michael Geist Interview - Part 7 of 7

Michael talks about current interests and focuses (including a discussion about , a site that lets people opt out of annoying polling, “exempted” calls ).

P.S. Many thanks to Michael for meeting the members of the Calgary Chapter of Fair Copyright for Canada even after a non-stop day of workshop and seminar. And then spending another 30 minutes to chat with me. Thanks also go to the members of the Calgary Chapter who took time to meet and chat about Copyright and technology law issues to keep ourselves better informed of these important issues.

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