Sunday, April 6, 2008

Links: 2008-04-06

  1. Computerised toothbrush makes oral hygiene a game - with YouTube clip
  2. Flash Storytelling - neat.
  3. Some UK social networking stats, " * 41 per cent of children and 44 per cent of adults leave their privacy settings as default ‘open’ which means that their profiles are visible to anyone, * 34 per cent of 16-24 year olds are willing to give out sensitive personal information such as their phone number or email address"
  4. eBay launches a corporate blog - Nice to have an outsider looking in and blogging official.
  5. Open Skies' New Baby - And they are going to post the painting of their first plane! Strangely, I think I will check it out. I hope it is not simply watching paint dry. (smile)
  6. Harvard's New Stockpicker
  7. Worthless Wall Street Research - We may be better off doing the research ourselves. (smile

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