Friday, February 15, 2008

Rule of Law & Linda Keen, former nuclear watchdog

“By this application for judicial review, Ms. Keen is asking the Federal Court to declare that she was unlawfully removed as president and that the November 2005 Order in Council, which reappointed her as president, remains in full force and effect,” said Ottawa lawyer Allan O’Brien. - TorStar

The unjust firing of Ms. Linda Keen, former nuclear watchdog, needs to be overturned by the Federal court if we are a society that respects the basic tenet of rule of law. Ms. Keen was doing her job as a watchdog of nuclear safety in Canada and she has the international reputations and credentials of Canadian nuclear safety to uphold.

Here are some news of Ms. Keen’s appeal to Federal court,

  1. Fired watchdog appeals to court - TorStar
  2. Fired Canadian nuclear chief sues - UPI
  3. Fired nuclear watchdog boss wants judicial review - CTV
  4. Former nuclear watchdog asks court to review firing - CBC

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