Friday, February 15, 2008

Christine Cheung - Portrait of a young painter

Christine Cheung is a young Canadian painter that I’ve the pleasure to meet and get to know recently. Once I’ve seen a few of her abstract paintings, I know I have to try to interview and chat with her to understand more about abstract paintings because, honestly, sometimes abstract paintings can be intimidating and even down right confusing to the uninitiated. So recently, I spent six hours talking to Christine, taking pictures, filming Christine talking about her paintings, and even filming her paint.

You can take a look at some of Christine’s paintings at her blog. Or check out a slidesshow of pictures I took of Christine and her paintings.

Here is a video of Christine talking about how her earlier prints affect her later paintings.

Here is a video of Christine talking about her self-portrait.

In the following two videos, Christine talks about her thinking process when she paints, and then she shows us how she paints.

Here is a video of Christine talking about about her latest painting “Spillage (Montreal-Calgary)

Click here to see all eleven videos of Christine (including the above videos). Take a look of the slidesshow of pictures I took of Christine and her paintings.

Christine, thank you so much for your participation in helping my understanding of abstract painting a bit more. It is incredibly generous of you to show us how you paint right in front of the camera and the talk of your techniques.

Thanks Christine.

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