Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Argo Project - deploying 3000 profiling ALACE floats scattered around the world

Saw this wonderful piece about The Argo Project on CBC National (with video) tonight. Here is from the site's "What is Project Argo?" (emphasis mine),

Argo is an international venture that aims to deploy 3000 profiling ALACE floats scattered around the world. Details are still being discussed, but the target depth for these floats might be 2000 metres and they will likely rise to the sea surface every 10 days. Thus, every 10 days we should acquire:

  • An observation of ocean currents globally at a depth of 2000 metres.
  • If they spend long enough at the surface, a surface drift velocity.
  • A profile of temperature and salinity between the two depths.

Here are some Argo Float Movies to check out.

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