Tuesday, February 26, 2008

On Writing

Chatting with my friend Ben last night about his writer’s block in completing his MBA thesis got me thinking about writing.

I am no “writer” but I try to read a lot and write a lot and not worry about making mistakes too much as I have adopted a “quantity”/”Bill Buxton” approach. And one of the things I live by is - “Make mistakes faster”.

Ben, may be check out a few of the existing MBA theses at the SFU library and see how and what did they do to get their degrees. After all, they got theirs done and I am confident that you can do better than many of them as I find your thesis topic quite interesting and engaging.

P.S. Having been quoting the author Stephen King for so long, I am happy say that my research last night confirmed that I had been quoting from his autobiography On Writing. And a copy of the book is waiting for me to pickup at the library.

And I was able to find a few insightful YouTube clips of Stephen King. (Too bad I couldn’t find the Bravo program “An evening with Stephen King” that I watched on TV the other night.)

Advice from Stephen King to new writers.

The Hour with Stephen King when he came to Canada to collect a lifetime achievement award.

Stephen King talks about his new book’s ‘language’.

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