Friday, February 22, 2008

Copyright Lesson: Jim Prentice and Conservative Party entangled “For the Love of Money”

From the front page of Ottawa Citizen today (emphasis added),

As the Harper government prepares to introduce tougher new copyright rules, the Conservative party is being accused of using the theme song ["For the Love of Money"] from the reality TV show The Apprentice without permission of the record company that owns it.

At a press conference on Sunday, the Conservatives presented an election-style attack video about the alleged costs of Stéphane Dion's spending promises, set to the musical refrain of "money, money, money, money, mo-ney."

The Harper government and Minister Jim Prentice, who is the minister in charge of Copyright reform, should really know better than to use a copyrighted song without proper permission in a public performance that they know will be broadcasted and not just a private small function.

[via Michael Geist]

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