Sunday, February 17, 2008

Getting Married at Good Earth

Yesterday at around 4pm, a group of us volunteers were having a rather serious meeting to talk about details of bringing the Darfur/Darfur multimedia project to Calgary at the Good Earth Café on 11 St. SW and 15 Ave. SW (pictured above). And then to the pleasant surprise of us and everyone else in the café, a charming bride in a beautiful wedding dress (an A-Line style dress?) walked in with her bridesmaids, groom, and groomsmen.

The beautifully charming bride and the group must have stayed for at least 5-10 minutes taking pictures and ordering coffees and snacks before they left. Sorry my fellow volunteers, I was paying way too much attention on what the bride was doing and was paying less attention to what you were saying (I did take notes (smile)).

I so much wish I had my good camera and snapped a few unobtrusive pictures to share with you here. The scene was charming, very happy and warm.

To the happy married couple, I wish you all the happiness in the world for many many years to come. I will treasure the beautiful pictures of you both in my mind.

To couples that are getting married in the future, may I suggest you visit some favourite hangouts of yours (coffee shops, restaurants, etc) and take a few pictures in full wedding dresses and tuxes. That should be fun and memorable for you and everyone that saw you. (smile)

Again, my best and warmest wishes to the married couple I met yesterday at Good Earth.

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