Thursday, January 24, 2008

Rule of Law or Rule by Law-Part 1 & 2 (Hong Kong) - Firing of Nuclear Safety watchdog in the middle of the night (Canada)

  1. Rule of Law or Rule by Law-Part 1
  2. Rule of Law or Rule by Law-Part 2

I was delighted to read the above two wonderful reports by my friend Daisann about how Long Hair and his band of pirate radio broadcasters won two court battles so far. The courts have spoken in Hong Kong to send a strong lesson to the undemocratically elected government that has unchecked power. (note: You have to be smoking something if you will call a government elected by 800 people hand-picked by Beijing (in of a city of over 6 million) “democratically elected”.)

Of course, it hasn’t escaped me that the firing of the head of the Canadian Nuclear Safety watchdog in the middle of the night has not worked through the court system yet. (I will be very surprised if Linda Keen, head of CNSC, doesn’t launch a lawsuit for unfair dismissal at a minimum.) Looking at the mess of the CNSC firing, I wonder if the Canadian government is the one with the unchecked power? Very sad.

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