Tuesday, January 1, 2008

A Brief History of ideas Cloud

Inspired by A Brief History of Time, I promise to not include even one equation in this blog entry. (smile)
A Brief History of ideas Cloud

The following is a short creative journey in the naming of this blog.

The idea of "ideas Cloud" originated from the term "Tag cloud".
The word "ideas" has become a core part of any brands/lovemarks that I create for my own use. For example, ideas Revolution for the group name, ideas Vacuum for the film and video division, etc.

To me, Cloud is so versatile as it can rain, snow, hail, etc. And we have Chinook cloud/arch in Calgary that just looks spectacular (my title photo is one example).

The term
"ideas Cloud" is new and unique enough that,
  1. As of this morning, there were only 2,890 Google search results,
  2. No one has used it in the way that I plan to, and
  3. I am getting the 9th Google ranked search result for "ideas cloud" (as a pair of quoted words) at the moment and I haven't even started. (smile)
Once I settled on the name of "ideas Cloud" for the blog, I went about to create a catch phrase that will go well with it. I started with "ideas Cloud rains ideas" and liked it for a few days until I played around with a few other phrases a bit more and looked at the following,
  • ideas Cloud makes ideas
  • ideas Cloud creates ideas
  • ideas Cloud dreams ideas
  • ideas Cloud generates ideas
and then a friend suggested the most scientifically correct one (thanks Gwen),
  • ideas Cloud precipitates ideas
At the end, I realized I love this phrase the most and I am using it,
  • ideas Cloud dreams ideas
The word "dreams" evoke a lovely feeling and also this quote to me (emphasis mine),

All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible.
- Thomas E. Lawrence

As it has been with my company blog for the last 17 months, I plan to blog about Business, Sci. & Tech., Law, innovation, Film & TV, Medical Science, Politics and whatever interests me. Just so you know, I aspire to make mistakes faster.

My friends, welcome to ideas Cloud!
It's turtles all the way down!
I hope you will have fun
making mistakes
with me.

P.S. I actually started writing this post on Jan 3, 2008 but I backdated it to January 1st, 2008 so it flows and explains things better. I am in no way trying to create the same option backdating SEC problem as Steve Jobs. (smile)

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