Friday, January 25, 2008

Creative capitalism by Bill Gates

First of all, here is Bill Gates’ World Economic Forum 2008 speech where he introduced his concept of “creative capitalism” (full speech linked directly from Microsoft press release area). Incidentally, by chance or by design, I can’t stop thinking of the term’s similarity with “creative destruction“, a phrase popularized by the economist Joseph Schumpeter.

Here are some news report on “creative capitalism”,

  1. It takes a capitalist to change a capitalist -
  2. Re-Thinking Social Responsibility - Forbes
  3. Face-off: Is Gates right on creative capitalism? - CNet
  4. What Bill Gates should’ve said at Davos - San Jose Mercury News (You can watch a video replay here.)

I will take some time to read and digest Bill’s speech before I comment. Incidentally, by me taking some time to comment, there is a good chance some insightful economists will have come out and comment on the ideas in Bill’s speech and then it will be easy for me to appear smarter than I am. (smile)

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