Saturday, January 19, 2008

My friend Bob Freeze and his Hawk Ridge Cross-Country Ski Centre

My 87-years-young friend Bob Freeze and his wonderful Hawk Ridge Cross-Country Ski Centre got some well deserved press coverage recently. The course was actually created by the designer for the Canmore course for 1988 Olympics, check out this really cool video.

Here is an excerpt from Western Wheel, “Red Deer Lake - Hawk Ridge founder doesn’t let grass grow under his feet”,

Hanging up on the wall in the boardroom of the Hawk Ridge Cross-Country Ski Centre in the Red Deer Lake area is a picture of its founder, Bob Freeze with “The Chief” then Prime Minister John Diefenbaker, and members of the National Advisory Council For Fitness and Amateur Sport in 1963.

Almost 45 years later, Freeze is still concerned about the health and fitness of Canadians — especially the youth.

“I am really lucky I have my health,” the 87-year-old Freeze said. “This (Hawk Ridge) has given me a second lease on life and allowed me to keep on coaching.”

Here is an excerpt from “Skiing - Hawk Ridge providing family fun”,

Chris McQueen and his young family are practically rookies to cross-country skiing, but with a 15-month-old daughter, it’s tough to get to Banff or the Canmore Nordic Centre for a ski. That’s why he was at Hawk Ridge Centre near Red Deer Lake School on Jan. 6.

“We used to go to the resorts, but with a 15-month-old that’s not so easy to do anymore, this is so convenient,” McQueen said. “We came out here yesterday too — it’s just a great day trip for a family.”

P.S. As an aside, I have been trying to get an interview with my friend Bob but he is just too modest to be interviewed by me. But I will keep hoping. May be one day I will get an interview, I can wait. (smile)

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