Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A Reluctant Activist’s Apology

I found it a fascinating read when I first discovered the 1940 essay “A Mathematician’s Apology” by British mathematician G. H. Hardy some years ago. (smile)

Just like Hardy, my use of the word “apology” is in the sense of a “formal justification or defense (as in Plato’s Apology of Socrates), not in the sense of a plea for forgiveness.

Some people in the media and my fellow volunteers found it convenient to see me as an “activist“. To me, “activist” is such a loaded word and I would be more comfortable being seen as a simple “concerned citizen” trying to effect some positive changes.

My individual involvement and voicing of my opinions publicly in the Fair Copyright for Canada movement (and its Calgary Chapter), and in working to bring to Calgary the Darfur/Darfur project - an international multi-media touring exhibition about the crisis (genocide and atrocity) and culture in Darfur, and my work on Demo Camp Calgary and Bar Camp Calgary conferences are my efforts to effect some positive changes in Calgary and Canada. Just my individual attempt to try to help.

As a “blogger/concerned citizen/film maker/businessman/…“, I strive to add something to knowledge, and help others to add more; and try to effect changes in some positive manner. Only time will tell how effective I am but I will try my best.

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