Tuesday, January 29, 2008

OpenSkies (a tiny part of British Airways) starts blogging

Virgin is one of my Admired Companies. If it is up to me, I prefer flying with Virgin over British Airways.

But I will definitely give BA some credit in starting the OpenSkies blog (all three entries so far have been written by Managing Director Dale Moss (PDF file)). Quoting their “Behind te blog“,

Our lines are open, so are our minds.

Let’s start with a brave statement: We don’t want you to simply witness the creation of an airline, we want you to be part of it. That may sound like puffery, but it isn’t. We hope to prove that your contributions will help make OpenSkies a unique and, invariably, a better travelling experience.

This blog is the heart of our conversation.

Dale seems to be creating some buzz and quite responsive to readers’ comments/feedbacks even their first flight is months away in June 2008.

I agree with Neville’s analysis that Dale’s “commentary has far more impact than the massaged press release text”.

Thanks to Matt, I am happy that OpenSkies’ blog is now on my radar screen and I am paying attention to it. (smile)

Now, why doesn’t Virgin have a blog?

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