Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Lack of Canadian edition of MIT Open Courseware initiative?

I have been an admirer of MIT Open Courseware initiative since it was first announced. I remember talking to a professor of mine (who also happens to be a former President of the University of Calgary) about the MIT Open Courseware initiative
and naively expected that MIT was starting a world trend.

Well, after reading this insightful article by Prof. Geist, “Why Is There No Canadian MIT?“, I guess the world’s educational institutions still have a long way to go, and including some of those in Canada.

P.S. After reading some of the comments in the post, looks like some Canadian Universities are trying a few things but they are not as wide-known as they can be or should be. For example, I am having some fun learning from a free video from McGill’s continuing medical education department. I am fascinated with eyes and here is an “interesting” video by Dr. Michael Flanders to check out. (Dr. Flanders is funny so watch out for what he compares Filet Mignon to. LOL.)

P.P.S. Pediatric and Adult Strbismus online information resources (with videos) from McGill. Warning: These are medical videos for instructional purpose, not everyone want to watch them.

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