Saturday, January 19, 2008

Little Lost in Translation

A friend of mine has asked me to play a small role in his personal project as a paid actor. I won’t say much as I don’t want to spoil the fun. (smile)

I am truly thrilled as I am going to be an actor (did I tell you I will be paid? (big smile)) and looks like there will be lots of fun to have. (smile) Just so my friend is getting value for his money (smile) and so that I can do an interesting and good job, I have watched the following clip on my DVD player many times now, and I am looking forward to see what I can do with the material.

P.S. I have warned my friend that I am no actor but he assured me that I can be very creative in this role and there are no lines to remember and I am free to make up my lines and change them. (big relieve and smile)

P.P.S. When I wrote, directed, and produced the short film The Puzzle, I unwisely took on one role with only like three (?) lines to memorize. I wrote those lines but I still manage to suck so badly that I had to cut myself out of *my* film! (big smile)

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