Monday, January 7, 2008

10,000 thanks: 17 months & 170,000 views later

Note: This entry was originally posted at my other blog (ideas Revolutionary - Kempton).

In the beginning

I had no idea what would happen when I started blogging on July 29th, 2006 with the entry - “The day I started blogging”. The first entry was originally posted on my own personal web space with very limited functions (readers can’t leave comment, etc.). And then 21 days later, I moved my blog to (Thanks Ken Dyck for helping this stranger and I’ve been paying forward by helping others since. (smile))

The second entry was “Dragons’ Den”. And I had no idea I would become a bit involved in CBC Dragons’ Den where I would create a blog call “Dragonfly on the wall” dedicated to CBC Dragons’ Den stuff! Plus I was flown to Toronto and paid to blog about season 2 of CBC Dragons’ Den. How cool was that! And I would have personally interviewed all five CBC Dragons and the host of the show and interviewed some of the Dragons’ Den entrepreneurs.

And looks like “My fascination with laws” started early as well. (smile) And I never give up chances to talk about movie as I even talked about me “Watching 120+ films in a month”. And I’ve linked to interviews by Charlie Rose often, “The power of YouTube” link to a video interview with two of the YouTube founders. I blogged about the media, including when Reuters doctored its photos and the implications. in numbers

For the 13 posting days in Aug 2006, stats indicated the 50+ entries attracted a bit over 1,000 views. So it is nice to look at the viewing numbers now and see an upwardly trend over the last 17 months.

Although I have never put much weight into these stats and numbers as I believe in getting the right people in reading my blog (for example the people who can and will learn something from my blog), there are now 170,000+ total views so for for an average of 10,000 views per month. Not bad for someone who blogs about almost anything under the sun. (smile)

I would like to say 10,000 thank yous to all the people that have viewed my blog entries and supported me. Thanks. And I hope many of you have learned a thing or two from reading my blog.

Allow me to quote this again,

Why blog?

Writing isn’t about making money, getting famous, getting dates, getting laid, or making friends. In the end it’s about enriching the lives of those who will read your work, and enriching your own life, as well. It’s about getting up, getting well and getting over. Getting happy, okay? Getting happy.” - author Stephen King

This entry has talked much more about stats and numbers than I like, so I have now written “Boasting Corner - sharing some fond memories” to talk about a few things that I really cherish and am proud of.


Ken Dyck said...

Just how many blogs do you have going, Kempton? ;) I appreciate you mentioning me, but with with the tenacity that you've taken to blogging, I expect you'd have figured out some other way to be just as successful. Cheers!

Kempton said...

Ha ha, Ken. I know, I know, I have lots of blogs. (smile)

Actually, this blog is the only one (so far) that has ads and it is specifically created to host my Forbes articles.
