Sunday, March 2, 2008

US Judges as Public Figures: A Special Podcast

Last week, there was this charming (?) and funny (?) event:

Richard Posner and David Lat: "Judges as Public Figures" Last week, the University of Chicago's chapter of the Federalist Society hosted a panel discussion on "Judges as Public Figures" with Judge Richard Posner and David Lat, author of two popular legal blogs, Above the Law and Underneath Their Robes.

David Lat's relationship with Judge Posner began when he was the anonymous author of Underneath Their Robes, a blog supposedly written by a young and prestige-obsessed female lawyer. Judge Posner was the first to unmask "Article Three Groupie" (the anonymous author's pseudonym) as being male. The discussion was moderated by Professor Lior Strahilevitz, and a recording is available here (mp3).

[hat tip: Above the Law]

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