Thursday, March 20, 2008

The erosion of Rule of Law in Hong Kong

My better half and I think that criminals should be caught, put on trial, and punished according to law. At the same time, we were forced to wonder if the rule of law in Hong Kong had really been eroded to such a terrible extend as demonstrated in the recent case of the murders of three sex workers. Has the presumption of innocent until proven guilty become such a foreign concept in Hong Kong? Due process? What due process?

News here and excerpt from this article here,

[Nadeem] Razaq's lawyer said his client had been beaten up by Macau police and that he was denied access to legal representation until yesterday morning.

The court was also told no interpreter was provided and that Razaq was forced to make a statement in Cantonese.

Just to be clear, Mr. Razaq may well have been guilty as charged but the way how he had been treated by the police (according to him) just seemed wrong.

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