Friday, March 21, 2008

Spectrum Auction: Google played to lose to win

It may be too early to analyze but Google's willingness to bid the minimum $4.6 billion in the recent 700MHz Spectrum Auction to ensure open wireless access for the C-block of specturm. Quoting Google, "As a result of the auction, consumers whose devices use the C-block of spectrum soon will be able to use any wireless device they wish, and download to their devices any applications and content they wish."

Looks like Google played a nice game for itself and the government. Only time will tell if the win is good for Verizon.

Here are some interesting news to read,

  1. The end of the FCC 700 MHz auction - Official Google Public Policy Blog
  2. Spectrum Auction: Google wins by losing - CNET News blog
  3. Verizon Wins Spectrum Prize
  4. Verizon, AT&T win FCC auction, Google wins open spectrum - AFP
  5. Verizon's Airwaves Victory May Prove Risky, Goldman Sachs Says - Bloomberg

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