Thursday, March 6, 2008

Spring Roll & Sushi Strike in Israel

The Israeli government has announced it wants to drastically cut down the number of foreign chefs from 900 last year to zero next year! So Chinese restaurants had their Spring Roll strike already, and Japanese restaurants will have their Sushi strike next.

The government's goal was to try to force the training of local talents. But paradoxically, as one of the restaurant owner said in this CBC news report (wmv file), there are 100 staffs in his restaurant, only 10 are foreigners, and his restaurant will likely have to be closed down if the chefs are gone as he thinks that the restaurants that remains open after all the foreign chefs are gone will be serving "crappy food". This is a good example of government trying to help an industry and ends up killing it.

So true. And really sad.

Also see this BBC report.

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