Monday, June 2, 2008

In a Dragon’s Den - Chat with Brett Wilson, chairman of FirstEnergy Capital, entrepreneur extraordinaire, CBC newest Dragon


I had thought it might take me a few weeks or a month or two to arrange an interview with Calgarian Brett Wilson, chairman of FirstEnergy Capital, entrepreneur extraordinaire, and newest CBC Dragon. So I was surprised and delighted to hear from Brett this morning (a Sunday) inviting me to have a chat with him in his home (wow, my first visit to a Dragon's home, a true Dragon's Den).

And as expected, I had a nice and insightful chat with Brett. And he was as nice in person as I have heard from others and seen from his interview with Dragons' Den host Dianne Buckner.

It will take me some time to process and upload the videos. So here are a few photos for now. Stay tune for the videos and more photos.


Guin said...

Excellent photos Kempton! Brett was a really great guy on set too. looking forward to your videos when you post 'em!

Kempton said...

Hi Guin,

Thanks for the kind words. Will try to post the videos soon.
