Friday, June 6, 2008

Chatting with Brett Wilson, chairman of FirstEnergy Capital, CBC newest Dragon - Part 1


Last year, I had wonderful chats with five successful Canadian business people Arlene, Jim, Kevin, Laurence, Robert (”Dragons” to the fans of Dragons’ Den) and Dianne (host of DD).

This year, I had the great pleasure to chat with Brett Wilson, chairman of FirstEnergy Capital, the newest investor in Dragons’ Den. As a bonus to me, we chatted at Brett’s beautiful home (some pictures in this post).

The following are part of my video chats with Brett. Feel free to leave a comment or feedback. Enjoy.

I will be posting the other video chats next week. Stay tune.


Engineering & Business school,
Early investment experiences


Early work experiences & Business School
Consumer & Buyer behaviour


Starting his business

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