Sunday, May 11, 2008

Tales of a Chinese Purchaser, Episode 13 (買手的故事, 第13集)

In episode 13 and the next few episodes, we will continue the discussion of how to handle things when order size changes (產品訂單有變時,如何處理).

  • Negotiate with suppliers (與供應商討論協調)
  • Determining if suppliers have tried their best (using a plastic parts example to illustrate) (決定供應商是否已竭盡所能 (用塑料部件的例子說明) )
  • Production and Material Control (PMC) department reviews feedback of rescheduling requests from suppliers using their expertises/experiences of the production process (生產及物料控制部門用生產過程的經驗分析供應商的反饋)
  • When the order quantity is increased or decreased abnormally (當訂購數量有異常的增加/減少)

You can click here to listen to episode 13 of the program in mp3 (or you can download or stream the program here).


Program Info: My friend Simon has worked as a Hong Kong-based purchaser for over 30 years before his retirement. Simon has agreed to record a series of Chinese audio shows/podcasts call Tales of a Chinese Purchaser 買手的故事 to share his years of experiences and insights in purchasing and working with Chinese factories. (Note: This program has been recorded in the Cantonese dialect.)

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