Monday, May 5, 2008

Tales of a Chinese Purchaser, Episode 12 (買手的故事, 第12集)

In episode 12 and the next few episodes, we will discuss how to handle things when order size changes (產品訂單有變時,如何處理).

  • When products are selling well ==> Increase order size or move up shipment (當產品暢銷 == >增加訂單或提早出貨)
  • When products are selling poorly ==> Decrease order size or delay shipment (當產品不暢銷 == >減少訂單或延遲出貨)
  • How purchasers can use computer to generate “rescheduling reports” to help process these changes (買手如何可使用電腦 “新調度報告” 來幫助處理這些變化)
  • When suppliers can’t meet the revised scheduling requests (當供應商不能滿足 “新調度” 的要求)

You can click here to listen to episode 12 of the program in mp3 (or you can download or stream the program here).


Program Info: My friend Simon has worked as a Hong Kong-based purchaser for over 30 years before his retirement. Simon has agreed to record a series of Chinese audio shows/podcasts call Tales of a Chinese Purchaser 買手的故事 to share his years of experiences and insights in purchasing and working with Chinese factories. (Note: This program has been recorded in the Cantonese dialect.)

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