Sunday, April 27, 2008

Tales of a Chinese Purchaser, Episode 11 (買手的故事, 第11集)

In episode 11, we continue and finished the case discussed in episodes 9 and 10.

  • Use emails to document the reasons/mistakes for the lower-end supplier under priced the quote and high-end supplier over priced the quote (用電子郵件記錄 — 低檔廉價供應商報價太低 及 高檔供應商報價太高 的原因)
  • Helping the suppliers (high-end and also the lower-end) to provide more accurate quote (幫助高檔及低檔供應商提供更準確的報價)
  • Visiting the high-end supplier’s factory and providing technical assistance to help reduce yield lost thus provide better quote (參觀了高檔供應商的工廠,並提供技術援助,以幫助減少產量損失,從而提供更好的報價)
  • Working with the high-end supplier to create a handbook to help reduce yield lost (幫助高檔供應商及寫一本加工手冊,以幫助減少產量損失)
  • Passing on lessons learned to the lower-end supplier (教其他供應商)
  • Updating US headquarter of the new cost & rationale, plus provide engineering samples (通知美國總部新的成本及原因,並提供工程樣品)
  • An important lesson of do not simply pass along quotes from suppliers without some investigations (一個重要的教訓,不應簡單地交上報價,應做一些調查)
  • Work together with the vendor (和供應商合作)
  • How will Simon handle the “mis-priced” quotes if they are much closer in prices? (如報價近,Simon會如何處理這一”錯誤”?)
  • Please send us your feedback, questions and cases (請電郵上您的意見,問題和案件)

You can click here to listen to episode 11 of the program in mp3 (or you can download or stream the program here).


Program Info: My friend Simon has worked as a Hong Kong-based purchaser for over 30 years before his retirement. Simon has agreed to record a series of Chinese audio shows/podcasts call Tales of a Chinese Purchaser 買手的故事 to share his years of experiences and insights in purchasing and working with Chinese factories. (Note: This program has been recorded in the Cantonese dialect.)

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